Spirit Historical Society, Inc.

Membership Application

You are invited to become a member of S.H.S.I.

Spirit Historical Society, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization whose mission is to protect, conserve and display buildings, artifacts and documents of historical value for educational purposes. Members are persons who contribute $25.00 or more at any time during the year. Membership continues through the month of January the following year. As a member of S.H.S.I. you will be contributing to our mission, receive our newsletters and will be eligible to vote in person or by absentee ballot at the S.H.S.I. January annual meeting.

We have six categories of donations and we have named them in honor of the historic logging development of this community.

Swamper – (Non-Member) $1.00 to $24.00 per year… Swampers were loggers who cleaned paths and removed the snow and brush from around the trees that were to be cut.

The following 5 categories qualify you as a Member:

Sawyer – $25.00 to 49.00 per year…                 Sawyers used “two-man” saws to fell the   trees and cut them into logs.
Teamster – $50.00 to $99.00 per year…   Teamsters drove the horses that pulled   the logging sleighs to haul the logs to the   railroad or the mill.
Woods Bosses – $100.00 to $499.00 per   year… Woods bosses managed the logging   process.
Homesteaders – $500.00 to 999.00 per   year… Homesteaders came and built barns   and houses on the raw land after the   loggers finished a job.
Settlement Builders – $1000.00 or more   per year… Settlement Builders were   homesteaders who stayed and built the   community that has grown into today’s   Town of Spirit.

If you like and appreciate what Spirit Historical Society, Inc. is about and wish to help us toward our goals, pick a “trade” or role and become a member.

     Consider a Legacy Gift,
a contribution to the long-term mission of SHSI.

Your accountant, banker, investment advisor or insurance agent may be able to help you with a will, a power of attorney and a medical directive.  When you discuss these matters you may also want to discuss how you can contribute to the long-term Endowment Fund for SHSI.  This Fund is intended to preserve the land and the buildings of SHSI so that our mission can continue on into the future.

Name ________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
City ___________________State_________ Zip ________
e-mail address ____________________________________
Phone _______________________ Date ________________
Amount of gift _____________ Membership Year _____

______ Send me more information on Legacy Gifts to SHSI

Make your check payable to S.H.S.I. and mail it to:
Spirit Historical Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 621
Ogema, WI 54459

Thank you for your generous gift!